Service Projects
Weaver Garden Project
As a community service-based organization, we are committed to helping, supporting, and enriching our communities. The following are some of the major projects that our chapter has initiated.
The Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless Partnership:
The Atlanta Grad Chapter has established an ongoing partnership with Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless. We actively participate in the:
School Supply Drive: an ongoing project collecting much needed school supplies for students in our community schools.
Volunteer Work: helping to prepare and distribute food for the various food drive events
Donations of food and clothing

Weaver Gardens Partnership:
Weaver Gardens is a transitional living home that provides efficiency apartments and supportive services for mothers aged 17 to 26 who were previously homeless and have one child less than a year old. The Atlanta Grad Chapter has established the following programs with Weaver Gardens:
Community Container Garden Project provides the young women knowledge on how to grow and provide their own food in a limited space
SIDS Prevention Training provides information and education on how to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Apartment Make- Over Project provides support for young women to transition from Weaver Gardens to their own residence.
Job Readiness Training provides the skills needed to actively seek employment from writing a resume and filling out job applications to tips on dress and interview skills
Vine City English Avenue Community Center Project:
We partnered with Able Mable Thomas and the Greater Vine City Opportunity Program (GVCOP), a nonprofit community-service organization to help rebuild the Vine City community with the revitalization of the 100 year old English Avenue elementary school into a State-of-the-Art, Green Technology, and Global Community Center.