The Atlanta Graduate Chapter
On January 15, 1974, nineteen ladies, (8) from Clark Atlanta University and (11) from Spelman College, did something no other college had ever done, we joined together under the guidance of Sis. Brenda Hubbard from Barber-Scotia College and formed the charter line of Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc.

This group of young women was very diverse, and each held noteworthy roles and positions at their individual colleges. To name a few, Miss Clark College – Sis. Beverly Ingram; Miss Omega Psi Phi – Sis. Wanda Malone; Cheerleaders – Sis. Patricia Weddington and Sis. Cynthia Davis; Phi Beta Kappa – Sis. Wanda Bland; and Professional Models - Sis. Gaylor Jenkins and Sis. Theresa Jones, who after graduating moved to Europe (Rome) and worked at the House of Halston. Under Sis. Brenda’s guidance, the young ladies pledged, learning the history and what was expected of Swing Phi Swing ladies. They were the talk of the campuses because they were beautiful, intelligent young women, starting something new and different from the status quo Sororities. Each night they serenaded and stomped the yards of Spelman and Clark. They performed community service activities at Senior Citizen facilities, the City of Atlanta Illiteracy Action Program, and tutored challenged students at Agnes Jones Elementary School. They also worked with Hosea Williams’ food drive. Our spiritual home base was Allen Temple Baptist church. On February 16, 1974, nineteen ladies were granted all rights, honors, and privileges provided by the constitution, by-laws and standards of Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Incorporated. Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc.
Six weeks later the word spread to Morris Brown College about an organization of ladies who dared to be different from the traditional Sororities. On April 10, 1975, we inducted 11 ladies into our organization.
These young ladies from the Atlanta University Center came together with Janet Heard and Evelyn Ward in 1983 to charter the Atlanta Graduate Chapter.
Greetings from Founder Roz Tandy:
I bring you greetings from the Atlanta Graduate Chapter of
Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc. Here is where you will find strong, committed, loving, and loyal women of Swing; dedicated to the cause of serving and not just being served. Here is where you will find those who refuse to just sit and rest while looking at past victories but instead look at where they can and need to be right now. Here is where we are making our moments count by consistently preparing ourselves for those things that lie ahead.
We are the women who have, who are, and who will continue to make a difference in the lives of others here in Atlanta, throughout these United States and abroad.
Be Blessed My Sisters,
Roz Marshall Tandy
Founder, Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc.
“What enthusiasm begins, determination can complete.”