Current Executive Board

Sis. Linda “Gail” Womack
Sis. Gail hails from Cheyney State University’s Chic Wolverine Chapter where she pledged on the “Vibing 17” line of 1978. She serves as CEO of Metro Community Ministries, an organization dedicated to creating change in individuals, families, and communities by providing education, employment and leadership development. Under Her leadership Metro’s Business development arm is renowned for building the capacity of organizations to meet their ultimate level of competence.
Vice President
Sis. Betty Williams-Kirby, Esq
Sis. Betty became a SWING in March 1972 while a student at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, NC. She is a former elementary school teacher and a former social worker and since 1998 has been a member of the State Bar of Georgia. She is semi-retired from the practice of law and her new found passion is traveling in her free time.

Sis. Stephanie Turner
More Information Coming Soon!

Recording Secretary
Sis. Shoshana Ashison
Sis. Shoshana graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in Exercise Science. She currently manages a 40,000 square foot fitness center and is in the process of changing careers since recently becoming certified as a court reporter. She pledged SWING in 2003.

Sis. Carolyn Talley
Sis. Carolyn pledged SWING in 2017 through the Atlanta Graduate Chapter and has had a successful career in the hospitality industry.

Sis. Cathy Williams
Sis. Cathy is a retired Social Worker. She was number 14 on the charter line at Morgan State University in 1975. Her line name was Rusty, which she is still lovingly referred to today.